Willkommen bei Ashton Consulting Company
Welcome to Ashton Consulting Company
ASHTON + ASHTON GbR (In Germany)
ASHTON - ROHLING Ltda (In Brazil)



Wir freuen uns über Ihren Besuch auf unserer Homepage. Ashton Consulting Co. ist ein auf BRASILIEN-COACHING und PROJEKTMANAGEMENT für Lateinamerika spezialisiertes Beratungsunternehmen, welches sich seit 1989 auf diese Schwerpunkte konzentriert. 


We welcome you on our webpage. Ashton Consulting Co. is a consultancy enterprise focussing on BRAZIL COACHING and LATIN AMERICA PROJECT MANAGEMENT, which operates out of Brazil and Germany since 1989.


Wir begrüßen Sie mit unseren beliebtesten Sprüchen 

We greet you with our favorite quotes

Nous vous saluons avec nos proverbes préférés

Nosotros les saludamos con nuestros proverbios preferidos

Nós lhe saudamos com nossos provérbios preferidos


Most people prefer to be ruined by praise than saved by criticism - (Abraham Lincoln) - American wisdom

Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught - Oscar Wilde - Irish writer and poet

Character is the strongest argument to persuade - Aristotle - Greek universal thinker

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm - Winston Churchill - British politician

May God give me the courage to change what can be changed, the humbleness to accept what cannot be changed, but above all may God give me the wisdom to understand the difference between the two things - Confucius - Chinese philosopher

© Ashton - Rohling Ltda.
All rights reserved / Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Bild: Loch Melfort, bei Arduaine, Schottland
Picture: Loch Melfort, near Arduaine, Scotland

Loch Melfort´s coastline has special significance
in the creation of our Company
Photo by Janete Ashton.